Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Shrouded in ick

OK, so I've bitched plenty about the seemingly incessant rain in the Willamette Valley this winter (which is a lot like complaining about heat in the desert), but to be fair the sun is expected to shine today.

However, what is not fair is that we have to endure fog this morning.

Is that the price we must pay for winter sunshine?


Anonymous said...

I love your title for this post. Great imagery.

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment this morning, that if it was any consolation, the desert was grey and overcast today.

But it cleared up, and is back to blue skies, so my comment is worthless.

Careful driving in that fog G-Man.

PS. Your comments wouldn't let me in this morning. :-(

Diana Benning said...

We had freezing fog here the last several days. Like if old ordinary fog is not bad enough.

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